For Museums.
By Museums.

Creators of dynamic exhibitions and experiences.


We believe exhibitions can do more.

Flying Fish is a leading creator of traveling exhibitions. We partner with top museums and science centers to design interactive experiences that are built to last and impact generations.

And then we make them fly.

From Melbourne to New York, our world-class exhibitions travel to audiences of millions. They generate new, sustainable income for our clients – year after year – and inspire fans around the globe.


Immersive, one-of-a-kind experiences.

Featured Exhibitions

Creative LEGO build of an astronaut, complete with a visored helmet and space gear 8K , high-resolution, ultra HD,up32K HD


Experiences that ripple out through time and space.

Never told just once, good stories spread across borders and generations. At Flying Fish, we build exhibitions with longevity in mind. Our passionate team designs immersive experiences that deliver innovation, expertise, and lasting impact.

  • Exhibition Development & Design

  • Consultation & Licensing

  • Exhibition Production & Fabrication

  • Tour Management & Operations