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Developed to foster and raise awareness for the world’s oceans, OceanXperience, a collaboration between the ocean exploration initiative OceanX and Flying Fish, is based on a forthcoming television series produced by BBC Studios Natural History Unit and OceanX in association with Earthship Productions for National Geographic.

Using footage from OceanX’s groundbreaking deep-sea research missions for this OceanXperience case study, the Flying Fish team used innovative storytelling to take visitors on a journey exploring the outer limits of our oceans. Flying Fish replicated several distinctive onboard settings of the OceanXplorer in this highly immersive exhibition. Visitors experience interactive ship environments through guided missions, including Mission Control, Bridge, Wet and Dry Labs, HoloLab, and Sub Hangar. A replica Triton deep-sea submersible is on display, allowing visitors to interact with a vessel that works thousands of feet below the surface.

OceanXperience premiered in June 2023 at Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.